Monday, January 13, 2020

Organization of Buck Family of Virginia Blog

The organization of this blog may sometimes appear to be random and that is often true.  After all, this is a blog.  On the other hand, the organization is somewhat chronological.  Also, particularly the past year or so of posts have been about my direct line in the Buck family.  I’ve presented that direct line to the extent that I feel comfortable; however, there is a lot of Buck family information still at hand.  Furthermore, I happen across additional bits of information frequently.  So, how to present new information?

I’ve decided that new blog posts will be simply whatever I’m working on or stumble upon at the time.  In other words, nearly random.

At the same time, I am working on a book:  “My Buck Family of Virginia -- The Family Tree of Gordon Sandlin Buck”.  A number of people have asked or suggested that I write a book about the Buck family but I’ve always noted that it would take a lot of work.  I would then refer people to my blog or  One day it dawned on me that I essentially had the book written – I just needed to piece it together.  As of now, my “book” consists of many, many cut-and-paste jobs taken from this blog and other things that I’ve written.  I’m sure this book won’t be a best seller but I will try to have it published and made available somehow.  Stay tuned.

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